Running is a sport of accumulation. The act, putting one foot in front of the other repeatedly, is an accumulation of steps that takes you from one place to another. After any given run, therefore, you’re a little different than when you started. Individual workouts, while perhaps memorable, are more significant within the context of […]
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The “I” in Team
Educated Running Coaches Recent PostsMy first 26.2 was the Philadelphia Marathon in 2010. At the time, I had only run one half-marathon and had no interest in running any longer, much less twice that distance. “Why would anyone want to do that to themselves?” I asked my marathoner friend whose race stories were colorful and deep enough to leave […]
Slowing Down
Blogs Educated Running Coaches Recent PostsNothing quite feels like moving forward through space at a fast clip. Your body has suddenly become a force of nature. Squirrels scatter across the road at your approaching footsteps. Leaves flutter into the air and cars come to a screeching halt as you fly past them. Running fast can be fun, but it can […]